Saturday, January 7, 2017

New Years!

To celebrate New Years Eve, we sat at home and all wore matching pajamas and drank champagne. The kids drank their fake champagne out of real glasses.  When we were at Kroger picking it out, Anna wanted grape and Lukey wanted apple.  We wanted them to share just one bottle so we were in a quandary.  Then, on the shelf around the corner there was grape-apple kid champagne!  It was meant to be!  Tim and I also had fondue and bread.  The kids had bread dipped in melted butter and garlic salt.
We also went through our resolutions.  Anna wants to get better at piano.  Luke wants to be stronger and better at everything.  We let the kids pick our resolutions and they said that at dinner we sometimes talk too much to each other and they want us to always include them in conversations. Fair enough, we'll work on it.  I also told them to be nicer to each other.  They get along great most of the time but still need to work on how to resolve their problems with each other better instead of fighting.  Hopefully we'll have a great 2017!

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