Monday, November 2, 2015

Pumpkin picking and Anna's first field trip

It's been a great fall!  We picked one of the warm days to go pumpkin picking.  We picked kind of small ones this year because we walked there with our wagon and the kids weren't willing to walk home.  So, the kids and the pumpkins had to fit in the wagon.  it's starting to get a little tight to do this.  We might need a new plan next year.  

I love Anna's face in this picture.

On a much colder day then the day we went pumpkin picking Anna had her first field trip.  We went to the Plymouth Orchards.  When Lukey was in pre-school I felt like I knew who all the kids were. She likes to tell me more about her day and Lukey always was more willing to talk about the other kids he played with.  I only know who about 4 of the kids are in Anna's class.  Juliet is definitely her favorite.  She likes this little boy, Austin, too.  She doesn't care about anyone else in the class. No biggie.  She seems to like school and that's really all that matters right now. 

They must've not had a good crop of apples this year so there were no apples on the trees.  They took us on a wagon ride by apple trees then stopped by a big cart of apples and told us to pick an apple. 

We also got to pick more pumpkins!

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