Monday, August 18, 2014

2 nights at the Biggie

This weekend we took the kids to the Big House both Saturday and Sunday night.  Saturday we went to our friend Charlie's house to barbecue and play; then went to the open practice at the stadium.  It was kind of cool and felt sort of like being at a real game.  Anna spent a lot of the time at the house looking for Charlie, Auntie Carrie's cat.  She kept thinking of more places he could be "maybe Charlie is in the bathtub?"  

Lukey and Anna had fun playing with Charlie's friend's kids.  However, Lukey's favorite part of the trip was when Charlie let him play with his Transformers Optimus Prime toy!! He said it was 28 years old.  It was still in good shape.  
(we didn't want to carry our usual camera so pictures are a little blurry)  The kids chanted "Go Blue!" on their way to our seats. They held hands like this pretty much all the way from Charlie's house, which was maybe about a 1/4 mile from the stadium.

Lukey liked playing with these kids a lot.  He told me during a trip to the potty that he liked his new friends, sometimes they talked, sometimes they didn't, but it didn't matter what they did-that he liked them.

Anna carried this leaf they whole time.  Lukey took Bumblebee, the Rescue Bot.  (he wasn't  allowed to take the Optimus Prime toy-too valuable)  

Sunday night, we took the kids to see the Lego Movie at the Big House.  Another free event.  We got to walk in through the tunnel that the players walk in (I think).  The kids ran down it.  The movie was odd to say the least, but the kids had fun.  Anna was a little wild though.  It was her first movie outside of someone's house.  She did a lot of dancing, playing with the turf, and running circles around us. 

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