Sunday, August 24, 2014

Corn Roast and Uncle Tim's party

Yesterday we went to the Canton Corn Roast then headed out to Augusta for Tim's Uncle Tim's annual party.   Tim and Sherri's house is on a lake in Augusta (near Battle Creek) and was very nice.  We had a lot of fun.  

 The Corn Roast was very busy.  The food was really good.  This was the only picture we took.  The kids had fun eating, getting balloon animals, playing on a bounce house and looking at the petting farm.

The kids went on their first boat ride!  We went fast.  They both liked it.  Anna was just a little scared at first but then really liked it.  I went out on the boat again later to attempt to waters ski.  After about 5 or 6 tries and getting up maybe about 2 seconds, I gave up.  When we got back to shore, Anna asked, "Mommy, why did you keep falling?"

Lukey looks a little unsure...

Lukey looked like a teenager lounging here with his watermelon.

End of Summer Photo Shoot

They were so excited to take pictures!  This wasn't very successful.

Monday, August 18, 2014

2 nights at the Biggie

This weekend we took the kids to the Big House both Saturday and Sunday night.  Saturday we went to our friend Charlie's house to barbecue and play; then went to the open practice at the stadium.  It was kind of cool and felt sort of like being at a real game.  Anna spent a lot of the time at the house looking for Charlie, Auntie Carrie's cat.  She kept thinking of more places he could be "maybe Charlie is in the bathtub?"  

Lukey and Anna had fun playing with Charlie's friend's kids.  However, Lukey's favorite part of the trip was when Charlie let him play with his Transformers Optimus Prime toy!! He said it was 28 years old.  It was still in good shape.  
(we didn't want to carry our usual camera so pictures are a little blurry)  The kids chanted "Go Blue!" on their way to our seats. They held hands like this pretty much all the way from Charlie's house, which was maybe about a 1/4 mile from the stadium.

Lukey liked playing with these kids a lot.  He told me during a trip to the potty that he liked his new friends, sometimes they talked, sometimes they didn't, but it didn't matter what they did-that he liked them.

Anna carried this leaf they whole time.  Lukey took Bumblebee, the Rescue Bot.  (he wasn't  allowed to take the Optimus Prime toy-too valuable)  

Sunday night, we took the kids to see the Lego Movie at the Big House.  Another free event.  We got to walk in through the tunnel that the players walk in (I think).  The kids ran down it.  The movie was odd to say the least, but the kids had fun.  Anna was a little wild though.  It was her first movie outside of someone's house.  She did a lot of dancing, playing with the turf, and running circles around us. 

Library Party

This Saturday, we went an end of the year party outside at the Canton Library.  We didn't really know what to expect, but it turned out to be a great event.  Everything was free.  They had hot dogs, snow cones, free books, a steel drum band, circus folk walking around, a bounce house, Henna (Anna got Hello Kitty Henna'ed on her hand), face-painting (which we didn't do) and balloon animals.  The balloon guy was very impressive.  He made this kitty in a few seconds and it looked amazing!  Lukey wanted a bow and arrow.  That was pretty cool too because it actually worked.

Lukey saving the world and "wave" pajamas

Lukey put these tools in his pants, put on sunglasses and when I asked what he was doing, he very seriously said that he's "going to save the world".  

These are some of Lukey and Anna's favorite pajamas.  They call them their "wave" pajamas.  They were originally Kent and Maeve's.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Lukey's swim lessons

Lukey took swim lessons at Colony this summer.  The first 2 days were a little rough.  Not his fault-it was freezing out!  But after that he has been very happy and has had a great time every day. Lukey was also one of the only kids in his class brave enough to go down the slide and the ONLY kid brave enough to go off the diving board!  
He wore his goggles for the first time today.  I doubt they were really doing anything because they were always on wrong, but he had fun wearing them.  He bragged to his teachers that he got his new goggles at Marshalls. (one of his favorite stores).

His favorite things to do were going down the slide, putting rocks on the bottom of the pool and going to get them and ducking his head under water and "swimming" (which was more of an underwater treading water).  

Floating with his teacher.  I recognized his teacher, Brenna, as one of the old workers at Colony's daughter.  She used to bring her as a baby to Colony all the time.  Now she is a teenager and teaching little Lukey.  

Anna was always very good about going to swim lessons for Lukey. She had fun watching him and playing with Hello Kitty and other toys.  Nana came to watch sometimes too.  

Da's birthday party

We celebrated Da's birthday by going to the beer festival in Ypsi.  The next day, we managed to drink more beer and eat burgers and cake.  The kids had fun playing with their cousins.
This picture was not actually on Da's birthday.  It just had no where else to go and Lukey looks friendly.

Lukey and Maeve holding hands and looking so happy to take a picture together.  At least Maeve was cooperating.

Lukey and Paige eating watermelon together.

Da had an orange kitty carrot cake.  Orange kitty is unfortunately MIA.  

Complete with sprinkles to represent the fuzz and dirt that was always on orange kitty.

Cousins and matching dresses.