Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The holiday season 2019

We waited too long to take pictures on Christmas so the lighting was all off.  :(


Santa visited on Christmas!

We made fondue and had champagne for New Years.  

From the look on Anna's face, you'd think their champagne was real. it was was kid champagne for them though.

Looking pretty cool in matching pajamas!

The kids got a professional photo over break.  It turned out just okay.  

Fall photo shoot

Happy Birthday to Luke!

Luke was so excited about his new biking/sports gloves that he wore them most of the night and also to bed for a few nights. 
He had a small family gathering on the weekend then a few friends over for a casual party on his birthday proper. 

early fall pictures

First Day of School!  3rd grade for Luke at Gallimore.  2nd grade for Anna at Dodson.

A walk at Gallop Park

How Luke and Anna spend a lot of their time.  On the couch reading.

Luke put on Anna's mermaid blanket this day.  It is pretty cozy.

Another back to school photo. 

And more soccer pictures.

I didn't order a team picture so this was the closest I could get.