Sunday, October 18, 2015

Happy Birthday to Lukey

Lukey turned 5 last week!  Sorry Lukey, but the pictures from your party have never been worse, but we all had fun!  Lukey is doing very well in his young 5's kindergarten class.  He really likes going to school and likes telling us all about the things he does every day at school.  He likes the kids in his class and his teachers too.  His favorite thing right now is Star Wars.  He also still likes Batman and Rescue Bots, likes to read and draw and play with legos.  He consistently says that when he grows up he wants to be a builder.  To him I think this means a construction worker.  I think he'd make a good engineer of some kind.  He has a few more years to think about it though.

The girls wore matching outfits for the party!

Lukey made us wait for him before singing because he thought it was really important to put on his new Darth Vader pajamas.  He looks great in them.  (and is wearing them right now and him and Anna have a lightsaber battle while Anna's kitties a/k/a Anakin's pets watch). 

Lukey was really excited that we played the Imperial March (Darth Vader's theme song) when it was time to eat cake.  

Saturday, October 3, 2015

happy birthday, school, soccer, dance

We haven't posted in awhile. We're been pretty busy with Lukey starting Young 5s kindergarten, Anna starting preschool, soccer, dance, etc.  This is a picture from labor day weekend when we celebrated Nana and Pa Bob's birthday.

I think these are the first pictures of Nana and Pa Bob with all of their grandchildren!

We went to the Plymouth Cider Mill.  Pictures are no good.  

Lukey has been doing a great job in young 5s kindergarten!  We've gotten good reports from the teachers and he really likes going to school!

Anna was sad that Lukey didn't want her in the pictures.  

Lukey and Anna started soccer a few weeks ago.  They're both pretty good!  Well, not that good I guess but they're both having fun and listening to their coaches pretty well.  

Anna's started 3 year old preschool this year 2 mornings a week. I think she's been doing pretty good too.  All I've heard is that she's been fine and plays a lot with Juliet.  She really likes playing with Juliet for a little while after school too. Lukey was sad that he wasn't allowed in her pictures.  It was payback for him not letting her in his pictures. 

Anna also started ballet class!  She seems to be having fun.