Friday, July 19, 2013


Sometimes on Thursday nights in the summer we take the kids to Heritage Park for music.  They like to run around the pond and dance and look at the bird that hangs around the bridge.

This bird is always on this bridge.  People catch fish for it and throw it to him.  Last week we saw him eat 4 fish in a row.  Lukey thinks its really funny.  This week, he was a little too concerned with having to go pee to care about the bird.

Running to go pee pee in the potty.  He made it!  We're really proud of how good he's doing at using the potty.  He has accidents here and there but overall he's been doing a great job and using the potty just about every time!  

Lukey and Anna checking out the band and dancing area and deciding whether they want to join in.

Lukey decided that he wanted to dance and Anna was going to dance with him.  He kept pulling her hand to dance with him. Whenever she tried to take a break, he was right back to get her and pull her back to the dance area.  

Brother and sister having fun together.

This was when it got to be too much for Anna.  She just wanted to sit down and he tried pulling her back to dance with him.  He did this a few times.  Then she got too annoyed and it was time to go home.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Potty training

It's moments like this that help get us through potty training.  Margaritas help too.  Lukey did really well yesterday.  He took his first PU in the potty! We were so proud that we all got right in the car and drove to Meijer to get him the matchbox snowplow that he'd been pining for.  Anna clapped for him too.  He does better when he runs around without any pants on.  Whenever he has underwear or anything else on, he tends to have more accidents.  This is hard work, but I think he can do it!  

Sunday, July 7, 2013

4th of July

We spent 4th of July in Holland.  We went to the beach, then fireworks at night.  We spent the night too and the next day went to watch Kent's swim practice at the aquatic center down the street.  Lukey, Anna and Maeve played in the pre-school splash pool while Kent swam.  They had a lot of fun!  That was probably their favorite part of  the visit.  Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of that or the beach.  

As usual, we got some great shots of the kids together!  

In the morning, the kids all played on the futon together in their pajamas.  It got a little wild.

Maeve requested this picture, which is a little funny because I see that she requested a similar picture from her mom from the weekend before that is posted on her website.

Lukey and Anna love spending time with their cousins!  

Monday, July 1, 2013


This weekend, we went to Chicago to spend one last weekend with Uncle Jamie and Auntie Beth before they move back to Michigan.  We had a lot of fun.  We're excited that they're moving back home soon, but will miss these visits.  We went to Oz Park, out to dinner at Michael Diversey's, for a walk to see some pretty flowers, a brief walk through the zoo, the beach and we watched the Pride Parade from the apartment.  

Lukey bonded with his aunt and uncle this weekend.  Especially Auntie Beth.  They held hands together  everywhere we walked.

Anna taking a snooze at the park.

Lukey and Da playing together at "Dorothy's Playground".

Lukey loved these swings.  We had a hard time getting him off of them.  

Anna made friends with this butterfly.  The butterfly was really friendly and let her touch it a few times.  I think this is kind of a cool picture because its Anna with a butterfly with Beth and Jamie holding hands in the background.

Playing in the "Emerald Garden."

Walking around a pretty flower park.  I don't know what its called.  Its just a pretty park by the zoo.  

Watching the fountain.  They both really liked this fountain.

Another family shot.  Lukey and Da even dressed alike for the picture!

The beach wasn't very busy because it was very windy.  That didn't stop Lukey and Anna from loving every minute of it.  They liked to play by the water and Anna really liked running and crawling on the sand and laughing about it.

The Pride Parade goes right by Jamie and Beth's apartment.  It was the most exciting parade we've ever seen.  It was like a big party.  It was hours long and there were a lot of interestingly dressed people.  There were some good floats and groups in the parade.  Some of the best were the dancing cowboys, the ROTC, and my favorite-the floats with a bunch of good looking scantily clad guys dancing on floats.  It was pretty fun to watch and a really fun event!

Mommy's Birthday

This year, we celebrated my birthday by going to Gallop Park in the morning.  Later, Tim and I went out to dinner in Ann Arbor.  It was a perfect birthday.  It rained a lot that day, but fortunately the weather was great in the morning and it stopped raining by the time we got to Ann Arbor for dinner.

A scenic view of the pond.

As usual, there were a lot of ducks and geese there.

This is the bench that Tim and Lukey go to when they have father-son important talks.  These talks are extremely confidential so only they know what they talk about here.  This was their first of many father son conversations at this bench.   

Best friends.  (sometimes)

Anna and Lukey liked the butterfly garden a lot. 

They were pretty exhausted at this point because this was the end of a long walk.    I love the "huh?" expressions on their faces here.

One pacifier is never enough!